Banda Aceh is the provincial capital and largest city in Aceh. Banda Aceh is a city which was established on April 22, 1205 olehSultan Alaidin Johansyah, is one of the oldest cities of Islam in Southeast Asia. Population is about 500,000 people in 2007. Name this city before Kutaraja, determined as the provincial capital in 1956. Then the name was changed to Banda Aceh, where the first part of its name comes from the city's Persian and means "port" or "heaven". It also proudly referred to as "port to Meccah", as Muslims first arrived in Aceh and throughout Asia Tenggara.Dalam early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh is the most rich country, strong and cultivated in the Straits of Malacca. Aceh has a history of political independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including former Dutch colony and Indonesian governments.
Aceh's natural resources, including oil and gas - some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as the largest in the world. Compared to most of Indonesia, it is a religious area konservatif.Sehingga December 26, 2004, Banda Aceh is a relatively small city is known. On that day the earthquake struck the Indian Ocean on the west coast of Sumatra. Banda Aceh is the major city closest to the epicenter, and suffered further damage apabilaTsunami struck not long after that. It is the worst hit of all the locations. 130,000 people died and many more injured. 3 and a half years after the tsunami, the few people still living in barracks, while lifestyle centers (TLC) or tents. The reconstruction can be seen in any, that something big for those AcehMasih Aceh.Nice to See the little children know that Aceh is rich with highlights, and unique culture so that it can fascinate anyone.
Aceh is rich with beautiful waves, natural and marine parks are suitable for diving. Among the most indahAceh tourism and historical sites and beaches have been destroyed by a massive earthquake and Dec '04 Tsunami, but the people there take care beautifull places mereka.Ini region also known as the "Porch of Mecca" (veranda of Mecca) have a variety of coastal attractions, crafts and a variety of beaches, handicrafts and tourism of nature. In addition, you can also enjoy the spiritual tourism and family tourism. Government of Aceh want to change the image that tourism not only on the beach or other places of natural beauty but also spiritual and family attractions site that can give their opinions and values kerohanian.Beberapa interesting place is the nature of Lhok Nga beach, Edge Bhate beach, Rencong crafts, hot springs, etc. Spiritual Tourism and the family as Masjid An-Citadel (one of the oldest mosque in Aceh), tomb of Admiral Malahayati, Teuku Ms. Ditiro tombs, and other lainBerikut is a list of interesting places in AcehBanda AcehMuzium State. The museum is filled with antiques. Among the exhibits is a large clock, a gift from the Emperor of China and brought to Aceh by the famous Admiral Cheng Ho in 1414. There is a museum Museum of Aceh Banda Aceh is located near the residence of the Governor. The main building is a house museum, built in the traditional style of the Dutch Governor Van Swart in 1914.
The museum is filled with antiques, and the great bell exhibition Donya Drive a gift from the Emperor of China conveyed by Admiral Cheng Ho in 1414. At the bell the Chinese script is available, Sing Fang Juut Kat Toeng intent, no one knows what really bermakna.Gunongan, Mount means mountain in Aceh, is a man made a small mountain that was built by Sultan Iskandar Muda. This is a gift from the Sultan Iskandar Muda to his wife, Putro Phang, who came from Malaysia. This building could serve as an important recreational security for the Queen and other royal family members to climb. Gunonganmerupakan one of the most historic building in Aceh. Located in Teuku Umar street, located in Taman Sari Garden, opposite the Dutch cemetery, Gunongan survived the earthquake and tsunami. On the outbreak planted in front of the building, he said that the year of construction is 1607. You are allowed to climb, but you need to contact the controller, to open the door view from the top was good. It is good to walk around the building, get higher and higher. It is quite fun to visit this place in the late afternoon or early evening. I could not help me to try to understand how the views of Banda Aceh in 1607.
And how the queen managed to climb a small mountain. It is thought that menarik.Pinto Khop located at few steps from Pendopo the city charms. Gunongan been erected around the 16th century during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda.Agung Baiturrahman Mosque is the main feature in Banda Aceh today. Located in the heart of the city, complete with an excellent architectural style, this mosque is really one of the premier travel Indonesia. The mosque was built during the reigns of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) and was arrested a few fires, including when the Dutch attacked Kutaraja (Banda Aceh) in 1873. Another mosque to replace a vessel then built by the Dutch Army was completed in 1883. Mosque is exceptional in architecture and decoration. It has five onion-shaped domes, two minerattes high, wide white walls, and around is pillars various types of jewelry that indah.Kerkhof or church is a site visited by many visitors, especially the Netherlands. Kerkoff Peucut MemorialKerkoff War is the burial place of soldiers who died in the Aceh War.
About 2200 soldiers buried in this cemetery, including Kohler General. Their names, where and when they die can be seen at the entrance to the Great itu.Aceh Kerkoff / JanthoCut Nyak Dien House. The house is a replica of the heroine Cut Nyak Dien House, of the Aceh War. The house was burned by the colonial powers, but a replica was built later. This house in Lam Bananas, about 6 kilometers from Banda Aceh, now muzium.Pantai Lhoknga, white sandy beaches and charming and picturesque views, especially to enjoy the sunset. Lhok Nga used to frequently visit many sailors from around the world during the winter. It is a long sandy white beaches, and places are still known to visit even after the Tsunami. Lhoknga beach can be reached by bus, taxi or mini bus, about 17 kilometers from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh. It takes about 20 minutes from the city. You will find rice fields on the way to Lhok Nga .... Aceh has begun a new chapter, the beginning of a new beauty and new life in Aceh after tsunami.Lumpuuk Beach, Lumpuuk the beach used to be the most popular beach. Still water and cliffs overlooking the nearby islands, it is beautiful. There is also a hidden cave on the rock hill. Although the situation is much different now, but still, there is still an interesting place to see. Lhonga pantai.Ujung Lumpuuk Batee located near Beach, Ujung Bate is a black sand beach good for walking and collecting shells. Beaches dotted with pine trees. It is good to go for a picnic, enjoy the shade under the pine trees overlooking the beach and is influenced by gelombang.Sabang (Pulau weh), Sabang island has beautiful beaches and places to dive. Virging Iboih Forrest with beautiful waterfalls and Keuneukai Hotspring. This beautiful island is the most western tip, where the measurement of geographical Indonesia beginning. Signs mile zero is located on the island. Sabang is also a place famous for weekenders from Banda Aceh. The island is a beautiful spot for snorkeling and diving. It has beautiful beaches with beautiful coral reefs. I hope I'm not too proud to say Sabang is a paradise for divers. There are dive operators in Sabang. Places for diving are Iboih, Rubiah island and Gapang. Facilities at Sabang easy and simple. Middle class is found in Gapang. There are cottages with AC and bathroom. Cottages in Iboih is easier. Bring your own sleeping bag if you do not dare to put on a thin mattress. The price is quite cheap. Breakfast is rarely included. In Banda Aceh, it is recommended to take a speedboat from Ulee Lheu. It only takes 45 minutes and costs Rp 60,000. If you go to Gapang or Iboih, you can take public transport (L-300 mini bus packed with passengers). The cost is about 40,000 to 50,000 with travel approximately 1 jam.Aceh North / LhokseumaweLhokseumawe is a town located 274 km from Banda Aceh is now being developed as an industrial zone. Many plants are built following the discovery of giant huge LNG resources in the area. Characteristics of urban travel is a.o. Pasai Ocean. It was the first great kingdom of Islam in Indonesia.
What remains, however, is the graveyard 18 km east of the city. Malikussaleh one's grave, as the first king of the Ocean Pasai. Other objects for visitors to the city pool Lhoksuawe is Blang Blang Falls and the End of the Middle pantaiAceh / City BaruKota New, New City is a town located in the central area of Aceh. It is being developed as a tourist resort since its temperature is about 2 º degrees C (68F), cold enough to the resort.
The main feature of the town is Lake Sea Fresh. It is a happy winter holiday resort, at an altitude of 1.200 meters above sea level. Central Aceh is one of the main producers of Sumatra coffee quality. A hot water pool at the junction Back, Brass and Brass Pukes Koro Sea caves in the object menarik.Tasik Offers Fresh Sea, located near the New City, in the highlands of Cental Aceh, very beautiful. It has soared around the coastal cliffs suitable for rock climbing. This lake is also full of trout. There are hot springs at the junction back. Cave lake environment many points, Brass and Brass Pukes Koro cave on the banks of Lake Sea Fresh is interesting to explore. Motor boats can be rented for fishing and sight-siar.Aceh Southeast / KutacanePark Gunung Leuser National Park is probably the wildest in Indonesia, located in East Aceh, can be reached either from Kutacane, or field. This magnificent national park has a variety of flora and fauna. The park also has a research facility for the study of primates, birds, insects and other animals.
Basic accommodation facilities available at Ketambe. Unfortunately FORUM-filled rafting river in the park is popular with kasau.Malangnya River, The Alas River, 165 km east of New City, cuts through the Gunung Leuser National Park. The area is very popular among the young and adventurous.
The sharp bends and more challenging rapids for rafters and white this air.Simeulue LobsterSimeulue beautiful. although much less fun place to swim because the coral reefs. Most beautiful beaches in and Alafan Salang sub-district. Simeulue is surrounded by small islands. There are a surprising number of people living in those islands. As the reefs around the island of Simeulue, this is the ideal place to shrimp shrimp, and crabs. When you visit Simelue, your visit is complete without a plate of lobster. Sambai village (Gulf in small areas) is recommended favorite place to get fresh lobster. Although you can not expect to cook lobster, you can buy lobster as you like, then take it to the stalls of small restaurants nearby and have them cooked for you.
Although the waves are not so dramatic as in Nias island, the area is not too bad to navigate. In Teupah West and South Teupah, there are good places to surf. There is also one of the famous resort Willy's name (in the village edema) are known to the browser
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